Prepare a space for the portrait photography studio. This can be a basement or a room that has a good amount of floor space. A spare bedroom can be a perfect studio.
Look at the lighting needs of the room. Clear any obstructions that might be in the way of a window to allow the maximum amount of natural light in. If this is not possible, one or two small household lamps will suffice.
Consider what background will be used for the portrait. Many photographers use a canvas or muslin backdrop cloth. These backdrops can be purchased online or at professional photo equipment dealers.
Clear a space that allows at least 10 feet between the subject and photographer. This will offer enough depth of field to produce acceptable images.
Arrange the subjects at least 1 foot off the background. Typically the tallest subject will take a place in the back of the portrait behind any other subjects for scale. A three-quarter pose is a common position for the subjects.
Wait until the subjects are ready and direct them to where they need to be and any action that needs to take place. Try different poses, styles and heights to achieve the best picture.

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