Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sharp Subject, Blurry Background


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    Most new photographers think about composing a subject in a frame in two dimensional terms - left and right. To separate your subject from their background, it's helpful to have as much physical distance as you can between the two. Taking a photo of a person standing miles in front of a mountain will make this much easier than a person standing three feet from the wall of a building. Shallow depth of field photos can be accomplished in virtually any environment, but when you don't have much control over your camera or lens try moving your subject.

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    Sometimes you can't move your subject or their background, and sometimes even moving them around won't give you a dramatic enough effect. If this is the case, try moving closer to your subject. Close proximity to a subject will often give the appearance of shrinking the depth of field.

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    The most common technique to achieving this look is to shoot with a small F-Stop on your camera. The smaller the f/ the larger your aperture. Dialing your f/ down to F3.5 or lower should make a big different. Make sure you focus sharply on your subject after adjusting it. Manual focus may help keep the focus on your subject and separate from their background. A word of advice when setting your f/ to a low value - you may get a low shutter speed (as indicated on the image chart here) and a resulting darker picture. Add more light into the frame (or raise the ISO) to help compensate.

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    Narrow your focal length! Zooming in or using a telephoto lense will shorten your focal length, giving the illusion of a more shallow depth of field. Note that moving up from a standard zoom lense to a telephoto (or zooming in) will visually increase the size of your background as well.

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    If all else fails, cheat! You can use a program like Photoshop to separate the subject from the background and artificially blur or sharpen the image. See my other tutorial for a simple way to do this.

    Example of pictures : [100 professional DOF]

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